Initiating a Child Friendly Culture

Meri Sangi Campaign


Background/ Introduction

Who is a “SANGI“?

Nepal is a culturally rich country with numerous traditions and cultural practices. Sangi literally means best friends (girls) who are culturally bonded to help each other in joys and sorrows and remain in this bond till the end of their life.

What is Meri Sangi Campaign?

  • National campaign on menstrual hygiene in Nepal
  • Women and girls (abroad and national) will become the Sangiof girls studying in community schools of Nepal
  • After being the Sangi, she needs to support at least one of the components of Meri Sangi Campaign
  • A national cine-celebrity will be as Meri Sangi Ambassadorwho shares the menstrual hygiene message in different parts of Nepal
  • Media campaigns in national radios, TVs on menstrual hygiene will be done through the program.


No girls out of school due to menstruation.


  • Immediate response to girls facing menstruation in schools
  • Generate mass awareness and capacity building of the stakeholders on menstrual hygiene

COMPONENTS OF Meri Sangi Campaign

COMPONENTS OF Meri Sangi Campaign

Meri Sangi Ambassador

Media Campaigning

Direct Support

1.      Launching Program

2.      Visiting different parts of Nepal with the message

3.      Celebration of Menstrual Hygiene Day.

1.      Radio/TV Jingles on Menstrual Hygiene

2.      Documentary on Menstrual Hygiene

1.      Menstrual Hygiene Kits

2.      Orientation in schools and communities on menstrual hygiene (Girls, teachers, boys, parents) in collaboration with health personnel

3.      Counseling support

4.      Supporting bins and Construction of incinerators

5.      Constructing girls friendly toilets with WASH facility

Target of Meri Sangi Campaign in 2016:

Target of Meri Sangi Campaign in 2016:

Reaching 10,000 adolescent girls in 100 schools in earthquake affected districts of Nepal and starting from Sindhupalchok district.

How can an individual join this campaign?

Individual can support any component of the Meri Sangi Campaign. Afterwards, CN facilitates to establish Sangi relationship of the individual with one of the targeted adolescent girl in Nepal. Support can be done as follow:

    • 24$ helps to provide a girl with a menstrual hygiene kit for a year
    • 83$ helps to conduct an orientation in a schools and communities
    • 117$ helps to construct an incinerator
    • Facilitate with like minded organizations for the necessary support

How can organizations/networks join this campaign?

Organizations can join this campaign in following ways:

  • Establishing strategic partnership for the program
  • Providing Grants
  • Circulating the concept in its networks for fund generation

Mode of Establishing Sangi Relationship:

Individuals within Nepal can establish both direct and online Sangi Relationship with the adolescent girl through website and face-book page of CN.

Similarly, individuals residing abroad can make online Sangi Relationship through website and facebook page of CN. In addition, CN can facilitate to make direct Sangi Relationship if the individual manages the visit trip to Nepal.


Currently working in 25 schools of Kathmandu and Sindhupalhcok:

  • Supporting menstrual hygiene kit (sanitary pads, inner-wear, soap, painkiller, hot-bag, towel)
  • Regular doctor’s check-up in monthly basis
  • Orientation to girls on menstrual hygiene
  • Support pads disposal bins
  • Construct incinerators
  • Research and Knowledge building


  • UNICEF reports that 95 percent of girls surveyed in Nepal’s mid- and far-western regions faced some sort of restriction when having their first periods.
  • Of these girls, 44 percent observed the traditional practice of chaupadi.
  • Depending on the society and its traditions, these can include not touching men, not touching books, and sleeping and eating in places away from other family members.
  • Not being allowed to touch books for three to seven days per month is a quick way to negatively impact a girl’s education.
  • CN reports that 41 percent of girls who do not attend school when menstruating stay home because they do not have privacy for cleaning and washing at school.
  • Schools with hundreds of students often have one bathroom for all pupils that is typically not the most sanitary or safe place. Even at home, many girls do not know how to properly clean the materials they use during menstruation and are embarrassed to hang them out to dry.
  • Not having proper sanitary menstruation materials can have negative health consequences and also cause girls to worry that they will have a leak at school and be harassed or teased, giving them another reason to skip school during their periods.
  • When girls miss days or even weeks of school each year due to their periods, they fall behind their male peers and may even drop out as they cannot keep up in the classroom. We must work to keep these girls in school. Their periods shouldn’t hold them back.

Let’s be Sangi…