Initiating a Child Friendly Culture

Organizational Policies

Child Nepal Policy Series (CNPS)
Policy 1: Human Resource Policy (Rev 2020) (Ref: CNPSI)
Policy 2: Setting Grievance Policy (Ref: CNPSII)
Policy 3: Conflict Management Policy (Ref: CNPSIII)
Policy 4: Performance Evaluation System Policy (Ref: CNPSIV)
Policy 5: Child Protection Policy (Ref: CNPSV)
Policy 6: Financial Policy (Ref: CNPSVI)
Policy 7: Communication Policy (Ref: CNPSVII)
Policy 8: Procurement Policy (Ref: CNPSVIII)
Policy 9: Fixed Assets Policy (Ref: CNPSIX)
Policy 10: Gender and Social Inclusion Policy (GESI) Policy (Ref: CNPSX)
Policy 11: Monitoring and Evaluation Policy (Ref: CNPSXI)
Policy 12: Using Computer/Laptop/Tablet Policy (Ref: CNPSXII)
Policy 13: Transportation/ Vehicle Utilization Policy (Ref: CNPSXIII)
Policy 14: Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Policy/Guideline to Implement the Anti-Corruption Policy (Ref: CNPSXIV)
Policy 15: Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, 2021 (Ref: CNPSXV)
Policy 16: Conflict of Interest Policy, 2023 (Ref: CNPSXVI)
Policy 17: Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEA) Policy, 2023 (Ref: CNPSXVII)
Policy 18: Whistleblowing Policy, 2023 (Ref: CNSPXVIII)
Policy 19: Environment Policy, 2023 (Ref: CNPSXIX)